Monday, June 13, 2011

The 21st century bring us many high tech solutions in many different areas and with the fast expansion of the Internet around the world many different ideas travel fast to the people , unfortunately fraud also!

Magnet motors is there
truth behind it, is the magnet motor really a free energy device!?

For now all the claims from some people that they make working magnet magnet are just a 
fraud nothing else! Just a some new way to trick people and to take their money, but there is a glimmer of hope!!!
Everyone knows about Perendev Magnetic Motor ,and his idea , his design was the"torch" that lit the fire in our heads he start many ideas in people heads but unfortunately his device was a fraud also! Today many people are saying that maybe his device was the real thing believe it or not , they say that he deliberately concealed information from some people who came to see his devices because in the past he lost so many of his inventions from various people who presented themselves as journalists, fans..etc. But on the other hand, it's not an excuse to rob people and not to deliver something that the people are paid so I think that his place is in jail now where he should be! There were many attempts to make the Perendev Magnetic Motor, but they all failed. Here is some photos of Perendev magnetic motor that you can see here and here some videos  of his motor on the links below:
Perendev Magnetic Motor Explanation

Perendev Magnetic Motor

In the new light and with a new hope we continue to go further, today many experts believe that  is possible to make the magnet motor but people just don't have enough ideas and imagination to do it!!!
The interesting ideas will be posted on this blog in order to inspired you to create to expand the boundaries of your imagination!

We will try to update this blog with new ideas and maybe some one will have luck to come with idea to make the magnetic motor for real and to help our planet to be cleaner and better for us and our children!!!